Strabismus is an eye disease in which the eyes are not aligned and look in different directions. It is also known medically as strabismus. Strabismus can occur at any age, but is most common in childhood.

What are the Types of Strabismus?

Esotropia: Eyes turning inward
Exotropia: Eyes turning outward
Hypertropia: One eye drifts upward
Hypotropia: One eye drifting downwards

What are the symptoms of strabismus?

  • Obeisance
  • Headache
  • Double vision
  • Eye strain
  • Eyelid closure
  • Eyes looking in different directions

What are the Causes of Strabismus?

  • Genetic factors
  • Neurological disorders
  • Abnormalities in the eye socket
  • Weakness or imbalance of eye muscles
  • Eye diseases such as cataracts and eye tumors

Strabismus Treatment and Methods

The methods used in the treatment of strabismus vary depending on the type of strabismus and the age of the patient.

Glasses, Prism, Botox injection and Surgery are the methods used in the treatment of strabismus. It is important for children diagnosed with strabismus to be treated as soon as possible. Untreated strabismus can lead to complications such as amblyopia (lazy eye).

Strabismus treatment aims to correct the imbalance between the eyes and restore normal visual function. The treatment method may vary depending on the type and severity of strabismus and the age of the patient. Here are some methods used in the treatment of strabismus:

Strabismus Treatment with Glasses or Contact Lenses: In mild strabismus, glasses or contact lenses can correct or keep the strabismus under control. These optical corrections can help eliminate strabismus by equalizing the vision power of both eyes.

Strabismus Treatment with Eye Exercises and Therapy: In some cases, eye exercises and therapy can be applied to strengthen the eye muscles and improve coordination between the eyes. These exercises can correct eye movements and reduce strabismus.

Strabismus Treatment by Applying Tape to the Eyelids: In children or mild strabismus, strabismus can be corrected by applying tape to the eyelids. This method is used to provide a clear image to the brain to correct strabismus.

Treatment of Lazy Eye: In cases such as amblyopia (lazy eye), closed eye therapy can be applied to strengthen the lazy eye. This therapy aims to improve the eyesight of the lazy eye and correct strabismus.

Strabismus Treatment with Surgical Correction of Eye Muscles: One of the most commonly used methods in the treatment of strabismus is surgical correction of the eye muscles. This surgical procedure ensures proper alignment of the eyes by properly adjusting the eye muscles.

Strabismus Treatment with Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Injections: In some cases, botulinum toxin injections can be used to treat strabismus. These injections temporarily weaken the eye muscles and strabismus can be corrected.

Strabismus treatment is individualized according to the patient’s condition and needs. It is important to consult an ophthalmologist to determine the most appropriate treatment options. With early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, the effects of strabismus can be reduced and normal visual function can be restored. For more information about strabismus, you can consult an ophthalmologist.

Things to Know About Strabismus

  • There are various causes of strabismus.
  • There are various methods used in the treatment of strabismus.
  • Strabismus is characterized by the eyes looking in different directions.
  • It is important for children diagnosed with strabismus to be treated as soon as possible.
  • Strabismus can occur at any age, but is most common in childhood.

If you have any questions or concerns about strabismus, do not hesitate to consult an ophthalmologist.